Thursday, February 16, 2012


Abortion should be legal for many reasons. If someone gets pregnant on accident and is not able to take care of the baby, then they should able to abort the baby.It is someones choice to be able to have a baby or not. If a girl gets pregnat at a young age and wants to wait until she is older to start a familly she should be able to.

Some people claim that it is considered murder, when the fetus is not even consiance. It is not even a day old and has not been born, so how is it considered killing something that was never alive? It would be a worse move to bring that babty into the world where they are not able to be taken care of.People should be given that option of getting a second chance.

Another bonus of abortion is the harvesting of stem cells. These cells have done absolute wonder for people, and should allowed as well.

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